Bavarian Cuisine In Munich

Traditional Munich diet is essentially Bavarian. A typical Munich breakfast will consist of Brezn, a veal-based sausage, Sweet mustard and White beer.

Soups of different varieties are eaten as a starter during a typical Bavarian meal. The staple meal will consist of mainly:

  • Leberknöldelsuppe (liver dumplings in a soup)
  • Griebnockerlsuppe (Semolina dumplings and soup)
  • Pfannkuchensuppe (pancake soup)


Varieties of roasted pork, roasted pork knuckles, roasted chicken and roasted ducks are eaten for the main course and usually served with gravy. Typical Bavarian desserts will include BayrischeCreme, Dampfnudeln, and Kaiserschmarrn.

If one is not satisfied with the Bavarian cuisine, they can find a lot of restaurants catering different cuisines from all around the world - India, China, Thailand, Lebanon, Spain, Pakistan and many more.

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