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Best time to Visit Cambodia

At the heart of Southeast Asia is the enigmatic land of ancient marvels, alluring beaches, expanding urban towns, pristine mountains, rivers and islands. Welcome to Cambodia! A country that has overcome its many difficulties only to emerge as one of the top holiday destinations in the region. Let its beauty captivate you, culture fascinate you, nature heal you and energy stimulate you, with a well-timed trip that lets you experience the best the country has to offer. 

Read on to discover the best time to visit Cambodia in terms of the weather and seasons, so that you can spend your time there doing all the things you love. 

Peak Season — Cambodia experiences two distinct seasons — Wet and Dry. The Dry Season, running from October to March, is when tourism is at its max, as the temperatures are cooler, road conditions improve, and the outdoors are completely accessible. 

Shoulder Season — Wet Season, runs from May to Octobe

Travel Season Min / Max Temperature Season 
Dry Season  20-30°C Pleasant, Cool, Dusty
Wet Season  24-32°C Humid, Rainfall

Disclaimer –
The seasons, temperatures and climatic conditions are estimates and can vary.


DRY SEASON (October to April):

Temperature - Temperatures throughout the Dry Season can vary considerably. The early months from November to January are the coolest, with temperatures set in the early 20s. Towards the end of March until May they rise to the high 20s and 30s, making it one of the hottest times to be in the country.

Weather - As the temperatures suggest, the initial part of the Dry Season experiences cool, pleasant days with warm winds blowing across the country. The humidity is not unbearable, and the rainfall is minimal. By April and May, heat and humidity both increase and are accompanied by the occasional shower. 

Significance - The Dry Season brings with it, certain advantages such as better roadways that massively improve rides and accessibility to remote parts of the country, as well as help cut down travel time between places. The beaches are at their glistening best with calm waters to enjoy, plus it’s the ideal time to visit the forest reserves, go sightseeing to the many temples and monuments and explore the cities. 

Why you should visit now — The lack of rainfall makes this the perfect season to visit remote places like Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri. The beach strips of Ko Kong, Kep and Sihanoukville are glorious at this time of the year, as are the islands such as Bamboo Island. River cruises upon the Mekong are most suitable in the early phase of the dry season, so to for visiting top destinations like Angkor, Siem Reap and the Cardamom Mountains. The Water Festival or Bon Om Touk is another big attraction, offering a unique glimpse into traditional festivities. 

Things to know before the visit - Given that this is Cambodia’s peak tourist season, most of the attractions and regions of the country are at their most crowded, so it is best to make all your bookings in advance and plan early excursions into your itinerary. 

Tips - The Dry Season is hot and dusty so you must take the necessary precautions, such as wearing sun-screen, sunglasses and hats. Apply moisturiser and lip balm daily to avoid skin related issues. Stay hydrated through the day so that heat doesn’t overpower, and you can spend as much time as you want in the outdoors. 


WET SEASON (May to October):

Temperature - While the season begins with temperatures around 24°C, they rise up to the mid-30s as the months progress.  

Weather - The Wet Season starts of hot with occasional rainfall, but late July onwards, the showers become more frequent and torrential. They aren’t the longest showers, but they can be quite intense especially around the coast and countryside. 

Significance - Cambodia’s tropical feel is on full display during the Wet Season, with the rain refreshing the air and enlivening the earth. The cities are at their cleanest and wandering about is an adventure in itself, especially when lightning storms and dramatic sunsets appear as stunning backdrops. For a relaxed, leisurely journey across Cambodia, this is the perfect season. 

Why you should visit now — Even in the dampest of surroundings, Cambodia is full of thrills. The air is clear, the greenery is vibrant, and the sights are much less crowded. Angkor Wat and the floating forests and village homes of Tonle Sap Lake are especially stunning, while quintessential paddy field views are an everyday sight. As this is low tourist season, you’ll find great deals on flights, stay and daily expenses — another great reason to plan a Wet Season tour. 

Things to know before the visit - Visiting Cambodia during the Wet Season means you’re going to get drenched at least once! Meanwhile, many of the roads are at their worst condition with poor drainage systems, and the rivers are known to regularly flood. Avoid going to really remote locations or entering the sea. 

Tips - With heavy tropical showers the theme of the season, preparations for your visit should be made accordingly. Carry rain protective gear like rubber boots, raincoats or windcheaters, water-proof bags and coverings for your belongings. Avoid really shanty street food stalls with poor hygiene, as chances of illness are higher during this season. 

Cambodia is a wondrous year-round destination that will welcome you with open arms, no matter the time of the year you visit. Now that you know what each season entails, you can easily decide your tour dates based on the kind of experiences you wish to have. Next, all you need is to go through the many incredible Thomas Cook Cambodia Holiday Packages and your next vacation may be in sight. 

MAY- OCT 24 to 32oC
OCT- APR 20 to 30oC
Travel Season
April to July Summer Season
15 C to 30 C Min/Max temp
April to July Summer Season
15 C to 30 C Min/Max temp
April to July Summer Season
15 C to 30 C Min/Max temp

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