Lothal And Dholavira In Gujarat

Equally, beautiful and notable destinations direct from the pages of your history textbook, the ancient cities at Lothal and Dholavira date back to around 4500 years. Belonging to the Indus Valley Civilization, the ruins of once well-planned and sprawling cities exude the ingenuity of our ancestors that dwell in the areas. A visit to these places will let you peek inside the pioneering minds of the people belonging to the great Harappan culture, through their amazing construction of water conservation systems, the first ever sign boards, well-constructed sea ports etc.

Location: Lothal- Saragwala village of Ahmedabad district, Dholavira- near Bhuj

Known for: Ruins from Indus Valley Civilization dating back to 3700 BCE

How to reach: Lothal- Take a train to Bhurkhi from Ahmedabad then board a bus to Lothal. Dholavira- Reach Bhuj (4 hours away) or Ahmedabad (6 hours away) by any transportation mode of your choice and then take a cab or a bus to reach Dholavira.

Approximate Cost: NA

Operating hours: Lothal- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Type: Historic Site

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