What To Taste In Pokhara

The low-cost food is obtained at the roadsidebooths that sellmomos or dumplings, Samosa or fried noodles. A favourite time is in the morning when kids abound on the streets with trays of pastries, chocolate croissants, cinnamon rolls and other deliciousfills. Along the lakeside road, a variety of quality restaurants can be found. Asian Teahouse Located along the main road through Lakeside on the opposite side from the lake. Natssul Korean Restaurant beside Lakeview Resort on the way to the bus stand at the end of town, is an open-air garden eateryand run by a Korean couple and serves genuine Korean dishes. PokharaThakali Kitchen, Hua-Han, Hanging Garden restaurant, German Bakery,Busy Bee Cafe, Koto, Laughing Buddha Restaurant, Bistro Caroline are some of the genuine restaurants in Pokhara region. 

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