What To Taste In Paro

The distinguishingtrait of Bhutanese cuisine is its spiciness. Chillis areavital part of nearly all dishes and are regarded as so important that most Bhutanese people would not enjoy a meal that is not spicy.Thechief of most Bhutanese meals is rice. It goes together with one or two side dishes consisting of meat or vegetables.

EmaDatshi, the National Dish of Bhutan, is azesty mix of chillies and the scrumptious local cheese known as Datshi. Momos or Tibetan-style dumplings, stuffed with pork, beef or cabbages and cheese are also famous cuisine and is traditionally eaten during special occasions.

PhakshaPaa, JashaMaru, Red Rice, Goep and so on are some of the plentiful tasty dishes that travellers can try during their stay in Paro.

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