What To Do In Pokhara

Adventure Sports like Hiking or Trekking, Boating or Canoeing, Whitewater Rafting or Kayaking are few of the many options of activity in Pokhara.

Visit Tibetan Refugee Camp whileriding a bike down to the airport, on the route to the Tibetan commune where there is a school, a pleasant little lamasery, and jewellery and craft stallsfor and by the refugees. You should be uptothe challenge to ride uphill on the trip forreturning to Lake Area.

Paragliding is something you would not want to miss:Flying around Lake Pokhara and the Annapurnas with Lammergeyer eagles or huge Gryffon vultures to guide the way!

Pokhara is Nepal's top yoga terminus and there are numerous yogahavens. Many of these retreats also offer massage, reiki, and water or honey therapy.

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