Valley Of The Kings In Egypt

The valley of Kings is located in the city of Luxor that dates back nearly 4000 years. The Valley is laced with many intricately designed tombs that were built to house the mummies of the great Pharos of Egypt as they waited for their passage into the afterlife, some of the popular Kings buried here are Amenhotep II, King Tutankhamen, Seti I and Ramses II. Till date, 60 tombs have been discovered. It is believed an additional 75 tombs in the Valles of Queens or else known as Bilban al-Harim. Four of these tombs are open.


Location: Luxor, New Valley Governorate, Egypt

Known For: The Valley of Kings is located in the city of Luxor that dates back nearly 4000 years. The Valley is laced with many intricately designed tombs that were built to house the mummies of the great Pharos of Egypt as they waited for their passage into the afterlife, some of the popular Kings buried here are Amenhotep II, King Tutankhamen, Seti I and Ramses II.

How to reach: The best way to reach is by cab, you can book a private guided tour that will include all your transfers.

Approximate Cost: Tours start at approx. INR 2000/- per person.

Operating hours: 6 am to 5 pm

Any precautions/ must carry items etc.: Camera, water bottles, sunscreen, shades. Hat, weather appropriate clothing.

Type: Monument

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