Restaurants In North Korea

The North Korean restaurants, serve more flavored food than what the locals eat. The capital city has a popular duck barbeque restaurant which is famous among the tourists. P’yong Yang is full of restaurants which serve real good meal.  Some famous restaurants are Chong Ryu, Hotpot restaurant where you can make your own hotpot dish on little individual gas stoves.

The Pizza restaurant, this restaurant is P’yong Yang’s first pizza serving parlor where the chefs were sent to Italy to learn how to make perfect pizza by the President himself. P’yong Yang number 1 boat restaurant is moored near Kim II Sung square and eating on its deck is very popular among the tourists.

Okryu serves the best cold noodles and is very popular with the locals. Lamb barbeque restaurant has a very friendly staff and once the barbeque is served to a guest, the person serving starts singing a song to create a very happy moment. Viennese coffee shop serves amazing cappuccino and cakes

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