Religious Places In Paro

Taktsang Monastery is the serene attraction in the placid town of Paro. As this extremelyoutstanding monastery is a steep 900 meters trek up the hill, it is recommended to stopover at the end of your stay in Bhutan, when you get acclimatised to the height.TaktsangLhakhang is located approximately 10 km north of Paro town at an elevation of 3,120 meters. All the way through beautiful, shady pine forests visitors must hike for around 2-3 hoursto arrive at the temple. No excursion to Paro would be absolutewithout a stopover to this amazing heritage situate.  For people who want, a pony can be offered the facility only after they reach the cafeteria.From here it is a vertical walk, following which the climb turns steep and slender.

The view from the cliff is celestial and the atmosphere inside the temple is consecrated. This is a sitewhere every Bhutanese dreams ofvisitingno less than once in his life.This is the regionwhere Guru Rinpoche preached about Buddhism to Butan, riding on the back of a tigress. Therefore the name Taktsangunderstood as to “The Tiger’s Nest”.

DungtseLhakhang is an unusual building built in 1433 by the iron bridge builder ThangtongGyalpo. It has three storeys representing hell, earth and heaven adored with the paintings inside that are considered to be some of the finest in Bhutan. Beyond DungtseLhakhang, to the east of the road, the tiny PanaLhakhang is quite ancient and is popularly believed to be built in the seventh century.

KyichuLhakhang is one of the most ancient and most revered temples of Bhutan roots back to 7th century. The lhakhang composite is enclose of two shrines. The initial temple was built by the Tibetan King, SongtsenGampoduring the 7th century and it was in 1968, H.M. AshiKesang, the Queen Mother of Bhutan, had built the second shrine in primary prototype.

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