Places In Sao Paulo

Parque do Ibirapuera, is the biggest green space in the city where you can be without the hustle and bustle of the city. You can breathe more oxygen and feel fresh. There are plenty of buildings that are designed by Oscar Niemeyer, the famous artist. Museu de Arte Scara, holds and exhibits one of the best collections of art-works in the whole Brazil, where you can see artworks from 17th to 20th century masters an most especially, the sculptures of Antonio Aleijadinho. This museum is located inside the famous Luz monastery of 18th century. People call this building’s brisessoleil or permanent sunshades, the symbol of the city, Edificio Copan, was designed by Oscar Niemeyer. This is a stunning piece of architecture by Oscar as it reflects his leftist spirit, as it gathers lavish apartments for the upper classes and small apartments for the working classes.

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