Parliament Hill In Canada

Members of Canadian government gather here to conduct the country’s business on Parliament Hill. Characterized by beautiful, historically significant architecture, you can learn about the history of Canada while enjoying the scenery. Learn about Canada’s struggle for independence, the Central Tower fire, along with more recent events that have moulded the country’s identity. If you are visiting in spring, it’s impossible to miss the Canadian Tulip Festival, where over one million tulips bloom every year. In 1945, the Dutch royal family sent one hundred thousand tulip bulbs to Ottawa to show gratitude for Canada protecting and sheltering royals during the Second World War. The Dutch Royal family continues to send ten thousand bulbs every year to this day, and it beautifully symbolizes Canadian camaraderie with foreign nations.


Location: Ottawa

Known for: being the country’s capital, and the annual Canadian Tulip Festival

How to reach: By road, by public transport, and by air

Approximate Cost: Free to visit

Type: Notable Building

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