Parks And Gardens In Sao Paulo

There are three types of parks in the city of Sao Paulo. They are- leisure parks, eco-tourism parks and mixed parks. Parque do Ibirapuera is one of the leisure parks of the city which has a lot of recreational spaces inside, such as museums and monuments. ParqueEstadual da Cantareira is one of the eco-tourism parks, which is covered with the Atlantic rainforest. Likewise, APA Capivari-Monos has a same kind of environment and a natural eco-system. And lastly, Parque do Carmo and Parque do Tiete are the two most famous parks that serves to both crowds of eco-tourism park crowd and leisure park crowd. These two, and,HortoFloresral, another mixed park serves a lot to the crowd who seeks adventure and leisure back to back.

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