Natural Attractions In Beijing

Bejing is well known for its natural attraction and it is definitely worth exploring.  You must visit the Xiangshan Park which is located in the Haidian District. Also, known as the Fragrant Hills Park, this park covers an area of 395 acres and consists of a beautiful pine-cypress forest, maple trees and hills, smoke trees, persimmon trees. This park also has landscaped areas with traditional architecture along with cultural relics. The Fragrant Hills Park is most famous for the red leaves that usually cover the hillsides in autumn. The Stone Flower Cave or the Shihua Cave is also a place that you must visit. This cave is multi-stories and it consists of seven layers. The specialty of this cave is that Layers 1 to 6 are dry and therefore, they are open to the public. Layer 7 is submerged in Underground River and is closed to the public; the sight-seeing route is more than 2,500m long. The Jiufeng National Forest Park is another major attraction in Beijing. It is well known for its winding and primitive paths. There are also zigzagging ancient paths that lead to the peak and allow you to view the Xiaoshan scenic area.

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