National Museum In Kathmandu

The museums of the city of Kathmandu tend to have a lot of historical value since they showcase artifacts which cover various dynasties and centuries that ruled the country. The Kathmandu Valley consists of a number of art galleries and museums which display art works from the past and the present. The museums tend to have a rich collection of historical, archaeological, and artistic significance. Some of the most important museums in the city include the the Museum of Natural History at Swayambhu, National Museum at Chhauni, the National Library at Puchowk,the museums at Kathmandu Durbar Square, National Birendra Art Gallery at Naxal,Kaiser Library at Thamel, National Woodworking Museum at Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Asa Archives at Tangal, Bronze and Brass Museum at Bhaktapur, National Art Gallery at Bhaktapur Durbar Square, and the Nepal National Ehnographic Museum at BhrikutiMandap.

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