King Abdullah Mosque In Amman

Built in the late 1980s the mosque is an imposing figure and is one of the primary religious places in the city.  The late Kind Hussein built this mosque as a memorial for his father the late King Abdullah I.  This is perhaps the only place in the city which allows non-Muslims. Tourists entering the place are advised to be sensitive about the dress they were and it is also very important for tourists to behave appropriately when visiting this place. A massive blue dome dominates the mosque which has an amazing capacity of seating. Close to 10000 worshippers can seat inside and in the courtyard.  The blue dome has inscriptions from the Holy Koran written in gold on the inside and has a massive chandelier which illuminates on the inside. There is a separate prayer room for women which can accommodate up to 500 at a time. The Mosque also has a museum within the premises which houses some of King Abdullah 1’s personal collections and Islamic scripts and coins.

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