Kayaking In Vietnam

Another amazing thing to do in the waters of Ho Chi Minh City is the Kayaking. However, the Kayaking timings may change from one to another depending on the intensity of the tides. In the Saigon and Mekong Delta, Ho Chi Minh City offers a one to two-hour ride, depending on what your request. The weather in Saigon is very calm, taking you to a wonderland once you hop into one of the kayaks. All you need to know is paddling, which is pretty simple, to travel into your own mystic water land. 


Location: Saigon

For: All age groups

Difficulty level: Easy

Approximate Cost: It will cost you INR 3000-4000 approximately per ride

Why you should do it: To spend an evening filled with tranquility

Tips: Carry your camera to capture the beautiful landscapes. 

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