International Mountain Museum In Pokhara

The International Mountain Museum is home tosummiteers and mountaineers worldwide. This menagerie has been recently opened to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first climberslikeEverest by Hillary and Norgay. Various visitors take a trip to this museum. The museum is sub-divided into various segments of interest.The Pokhara Museum exhibits maps, photographs, musical apparatus, traditional attire, ornaments and earth models that portraycustoms, ceremonials and routine of the people of this region. The Pokhara Museum mirrors the ethnic medley of Nepal. One major lure is a demonstrate highlighting the recently revealedremnants of an 8000-years old settlement in Mustang. The Annapurna Regional Museum known as the Natural History Museum is another interesting visit in Pokhara. The Museum has an outstandingassortment of vermin, butterflies, birds and other representation of natural world found in the area.

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