Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Or Eid Al Fitr In Malaysia

The Islamic New Year or Eid al-Fitr, which is also known as Hari Raya Aidil Fitri in Malay, is the most important festival for the Islamic community. This two-day festival marks the end of the 9th month or the Ramadan month of the Islamic calendar. Most of the Muslim families host a 'Rumah Buka' where they welcome members of their community and the neighbors to their house to celebrate together. There will be sumptuous festive food served by the family to their guests which includes beef rendang, ketupat, lemang, cakes, tarts, curry chicken and, chicken satay. During Eid, the entire country lights up with vibrant lights in the streets, making it look surreal!


Why you should attend this: To get a deep insight into the Islam festival. It portrays a beautiful side of the country with lights everywhere and happy vibes that fill your soul with happiness. 

Who should attend this: This festival can be attended by almost everyone to get a spectacular view of the country lit up in lights!

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