Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square In Kathmandu

This site is located deep in the heart of Kathmandu and includes several important attractions, including the Kasthamandap, the KumaruGhar, Jagannath Palace and Hanuman Dhoka Palace, the Taleju Temple, and the Jagannath Temple. Various rulers and kings have dedicated themselves to building this complex over the course of many centuries since it boasts of a huge royal square with intricate displays carved out of wood and stone, exemplifying architectural styles connected culturally and socially to the local Hindus. KathmandyDubar Square is present right at the heart of the old city of Kathmandu in Basantpur and never fails to impress all the first-time visitors with its meticulous wood carvings and interesting history. Surrounded with various concrete buildings and structures, the complex happens to be an oasis in the midst of a fast-rising, chaotic and modern city.

The site served as the residence of the whole royal family of Nepal and all the coronation ceremonies took place at the spot. The palace seems to be a combination of western and eastern styles of architecture with additions by the Shah and Rana rulers over the centuries. A number of temples are present in the vicinity including the famous temple dedicated to TalejuBhawani. There are two different courtyards in the Durbar, the outer Kasthamandap known as KumariGhar and the Shiva Parvati Temple, and the inner section consists of the main palace and the Hanuman Dhoka. A few floors of the site have been transformed into museums which depict the history of three whole generations of the Shah kings. Most of the areas of the palace premises remain open to tourists over the course of the week.

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