Get A Spa Done In Bali

Balinese massage is one of the best things that can ever happen to you at Bali. This is a guilty worth luxury that includes oil and involves Swedish style strokes. There is mandi lulur that incorporates a body scrub and hydrating yoghurt body mask in addition to the message. They also offer cream baths and fish spas.


Location: Ubud and Seminyak

For: Everyone

Difficulty level: Easy

Approximate Charges: In a local salon, one-hour body massage will cost you INR 300-500; creambath will cost you INR 500-600 and a fish spa can be done within INR 200-300.

Why you should do it: For an out of the world spa, that will relax you in all ways possible

Tips: Choose a spa which will suit your body needs

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