Famous Landmark In Africa

The Great Pyramid of Giza and tombs are now open to visitors. This ensures that travellers get to know about one of the integral aspects of Ancient Egyptian Culture, which involves their deep belief in afterlife. Also, these massive structures are architectural marvels, reflecting the high levels of craftsmanship possessed by the ancient locals.

Victoria Falls, also locally known as Mosi-oa-Tunya, which means the Smoke That Thunders, gets its name from the thundering sound this 350 feet high waterfall produces. It is the world’s largest waterfall. This waterfall, situated along the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe, is a world famous tourist destination. It also attracts various adventure sports lovers who are interested in canoeing or kayaking on the Zambezi River.

The Namib Desert along the coast of Namibia is one of the oldest deserts of the African world. It offers some of the most spectacular views one can experience in a desert. In fact, according to the Namibian Ministry of Environment & Tourism, the Soussusvlei Dunes feature some of the world’s highest dunes.

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