Atomium In Belgium

It was the year 1958 when this gigantic monument was created as part of the Brussels’ World Fair. What was created for a convention stood post the event and gradually went on to become a world famous tourist attraction. It’s unusual structure and architecture has more to what meets the eye. Designed by Andre Waterkeyn, the structure resembles a solitary unity of an iron crystal when magnified over 165 billion times. The monument is made up of 9 spheres, all connected by tubes. The entire structure looks like a cube when you tilt your head a little and you can also notice another sphere at the structure’s center. Atomium is one of the most famous tourist attractions and finds a mentioning in all the Belgium tourist guides. Apart from its structure, the place is also known to host several events.



Square de l'Atomium, 1020 Bruxelles, Belgium

Known for

Its unique architecture, design and conceptualization

How to Reach

Located in Heysel, you can reach the place by a metro or a tram. If you are taking a metro, reach the last stop of the line 6 and walk for a few minutes. You can see the gigantic structure welcoming you. If you are taking the tram, it is the last stop on the line 7. Having a Brussels card helps.

Approximate Cost

The entry ticket costs approximately 900 INR for adults, 700 INR for seniors, 600 INR for teens and 450 INR for children. The structure is open for a free entry for people with disabilities.

Operating Hours

10:00 Am to 6:00 PM

Any Precautions

Not all the spheres of Atomium are accessible for tourists. The place tends to be less crowded in the afternoons and early evenings.



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