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Best time to visit Ratnagiri

October to February

With an average temperature of around 15? Celsius this is the best time to visit Ratnagiri to enjoy the beach and the sights and sounds of this beautiful city.


March to May

With temperatures going up to 38? Celsius the hot and humid climate makes it very difficult to move around. If you visit Ratnagiri during this time it is recommended that you carry cotton clothes and drink plenty of water.


June to September

Ratnagiri experiences heavy rainfall during the monsoon months and if you love the rains there is no better place to be. Should you visit Ratnagiri during this time it is recommended you carry an umbrella and a pair of waterproof shoes.

Travel Season
April to July Summer Season
15 C to 30 C Min/Max temp
April to July Summer Season
15 C to 30 C Min/Max temp
April to July Summer Season
15 C to 30 C Min/Max temp

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